Use of Facilities
The Kiski Area School District (KASD) recognizes that although the primary purpose of the school buildings, facilities and property is to provide students with an appropriate learning environment, The Board may make school facilities available to individuals and community groups without discrimination and in accordance with Board Policy 707, provided the use does not interfere with the educational program of the schools.
The following information is provided to support this policy for Outside Organizations:
Facilities Use Process and Regulations
This document explains the two organization types (Designated/Outside) supported by this policy. Additionally, it contains a list of regulations that must be read, agreed, and adhered to prior to District approval of your request.
These documents outline the fees associated with our policy and will be updated when changes are made. These pricelists include information for both Designated and Outside organizations.
Request/Permit Use of School Facilities (KASD 102- Outside Org)
This is a fillable PDF that you can complete, print, sign, and return to KASD. The top portion of page 2 will self-calculate and provide a subtotal. Because we want to capture as much information as possible to determine the needs for your request, please share your needs for additional equipment on the bottom portion of the page. District Personnel will then calculate the total cost for the request and additional equipment for a grand total.
The following information is provided to support this policy for Designated Organizations:
Designated Youth Feeder Organization for Arts/Athletics
If you are a Designated Youth Feeder Organization for Arts/Athletics, please contact the athletic director for the appropriate paperwork and fees (KASD 102-Designated Org). Please refer to the price list for fees associated with use of facilities for Designated Organizations.
Organization within the Kiski Area School District
If you are an employee who sponsors, directs, or coaches a KASD club, activity, or sport, you can access this document from our internal forms library (, Resources, Kiski Area Internal Forms, KASD 102 – Designated Org). This paperwork is needed to secure your space and to ensure that your event is on our calendar. Facility fees, if any, will be communicated to you by the District after your request is submitted.