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Athletics » Eligibility


Athletic Department

Academic Eligibility Requirements

Study Table Requirements and Academic Eligibility Probation Requirements


Ineligible -

An ineligible student must complete the following prior to regaining eligibility:

  • Students who have failed to meet the weekly eligibility requirements will be and must:
  • Ineligible for the week
  • Attend two (2) - one hour study table sessions

To be held on Tues/Thurs, during Lunch & Learn in a designated classroom  (129)

  • Students who failed to meet the nine week eligibility requirements will be and must: 
  • Ineligible for 15 days of attendance (any day absent during the probation period will not count toward the 15 days)
  • Students must also meet the PIAA and Kiski Area Weekly Eligibility Requirements to regain eligibility.


Probation -

A student on probation must complete the following to remain eligible::

  • Any  student athlete on probation for two (2) consecutive weeks must:

    Email their failing teacher, by Wednesday at 4:00pm, requesting

    information on what needs to be completed in class and CC:  their Coach

    & Ms. Bowman ([email protected])

  •  Attend two (2) - one hour study table sessions 

To be held on Tues/Thurs, during Lunch & Learn in a designated classroom  (if no tutoring hours are offered)

  • If failing gym class, the athlete must attend a make up gym class. 
  • Any student ineligible who fails to complete the required eligibility requirements will be assigned a detention after school, and continue to be on Academic Eligibility Probation for the following week.


High School Study Table Sessions -

Information regarding study table locations/times:

  • Study tables will be scheduled during Lunch and Learn
  • Athletes will report to Room 129
  • A. Albert will be the advisor assigned
  • All students must sign in, in order to receive credit for time served


Intermediate School Study Table Sessions -

Information regarding study table locations/times:

  • Study Tables will be held on Tuesdays at 2:55pm - 4:55pm.
  • Athletes are to report to the Media Room (Library)
  • All students must sign in, in order to receive credit for time served